Explanation of Ayurveda in Body Care After Chemotherapy

Post-Chemo Body Care: An Ayurvedic Approach丨SevayuCuba

Cancer treatment has advanced in recent days with treatments like surgery, radiation, nuclear therapy, and chemotherapy. 

While chemotherapy is often life-saving, its aggressive treatment approach not only destroys the cancer cells but also has an impact on the healthy tissues. 

This leads to a lot of side effects that include digestive issues, fatigue, immense hair loss, decreased immunity, and even emotional imbalance. 

Many of them don’t immediately recover after the treatment but undergo excessive imbalance to heal them. The effect of chemotherapy can last for a long time. 

So, for body care after chemotherapy in Ayurveda, you can consider seeing what changes it can bring to your life later in this blog.

Impact of Chemotherapy on the Body:

Depending on the stage of cancer, chemotherapy can be given for a very long duration. While the rapidity of cell division is targeted, the healthy cells also have an impact. 

One can have digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, loose stools, tastelessness, difficulty in digestion, bloating, etc. The energy leaves decrease due to damage to the healthy tissues as well. 

The body becomes more susceptible to frequent infections as there is a decrease in immunity. 

Harsh chemicals lead to dry skin, hair loss, and even irritation. Anxiety, depression, and low cognitive powers are other side effects of chemotherapy.       

Restoring Balance with Ayurveda:

Chemotherapy disrupts body-mind balance, while Ayurveda can help in the restoration of the imbalanced body-mind duo post-chemotherapy. 

Ayurveda is one of the ancient systems of medicine that treats a person with a holistic approach. 

The doshas that are imbalanced post-chemotherapy are brought to stability by the Ayurveda approach. 

Ayurveda gives a combination of diet, medicine, treatment, and lifestyle changes that aid in the restoration of the imbalanced dosha. 


The possible changes that are emphasized are:

1. Ahara - Diet: 

Easy-to-digest food in the form of soups and juices is included. As per the vitiation of the dosha, the diet is customized as to what can be included or excluded in the intake of food. 

Light, easily digestible foods such as khichdi, Pongal, steamed vegetables, etc. are given. 

Spices such as ginger, jeera, methi seeds, etc. help in the restoration of the digestive fire and decrease bloating. 

Warm herbal teas such as tulsi tea, ginger tea, and yashtimadhu tea help strengthen the gut. 

Ghee and buttermilk are often included in the diet regularly to help in improving the gut bacteria. 


2. Aushadha - Medication: 

Ayurveda medicines are included to improve the Agni and decrease the harsh symptoms of chemotherapy. 

Once the Agni is improved, Rasayana dravyas are given to improve the strength and immunity of the system. 

Medication that includes amalaki, ashwagandha, tulsi, guduchi, brahmi, etc. is included. 

They help in proving the strength and also help in regeneration of the healthy tissues. 


3. Chikitsa Treatment: 

Therapies such as Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Patra Pinda Sweda, etc. are given to improve strength and circulation. 

Panchakarma therapy may also be prescribed to restore the energy. 

Warm herbal oils help in decreasing the vata dosha and balance the pitta and also the Kapha dosha. 


4. Skin and hair care: 

Post-chemotherapy, there is excessive dry skin and hair loss. Ayurveda helps in providing smooth and softer skin and helps in bringing back the lost hair faster. 

Regular oil massages before baths help keep the skin soft and smooth. Oils such as Dhanwantaram taila, ksheerabala taila, balaguduchyadi taila, mahanarayana taila, etc. are prescribed. 

Regular scalp massage with bringaraja taila, brahmi taila, etc. helps in strengthening the hair follicles. Nasya may be indicated. Hair packs, oils, and shampoos may also be prescribed. 


5. Dinacharya - Lifestyle changes: 

Yoga along with Pranayama may be advised to balance the doshas along with the restoration of the mind. 

Yoga helps in the reduction of stress levels and induces positivity in an individual. Balancing the body and mind along with breathing helps in the restoration of energy. 

Yoga helps in giving strength to the weakened muscles. Pranayama and meditation help in the reduction of anxiety issues, depression, and stress.  

> You can refresh your knowledge about Panchakarma Treatment more at: Panchakarma Treatment Center in the USA


To minimize the post-effect of chemotherapy, many of them are shifting to Ayurveda treatment. There is a positive result to getting started on body care after chemotherapy in Ayurveda (post-chemotherapy)

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